Charles Dickens published David Copperfield in 1850, at the zenith of his writing career. I imagine readers, gasping in the wake of that brilliant book, were just a little disappointed with subsequent works (ever heard of The Uncommercial Traveller?). No doubt it's an entertaining story, but it's written after David Copperfield. 19th century readers were pumped about Another Dickens!! Only to read The Mystery of Edwin Drood. Dickens, but just okay Dickens.
Fast forward 150 years. In 2004, Eva Ibbotson published The Star of Kazan, pretty much the best children's novel of the 21st century (in my opinion). Her previous--and popular--novels never hinted at the genius waiting in the wings. The Star of Kazan was amazing. But it was also, it seems, Ibbotson's zenith production. (Well, the woman's in her eighties, for goodness sake!)
I enjoyed listening to The Dragonfly Pool. It reminded me of her other non-fantasy, Journey to the River Sea ... light and tasty. But missing from Ibbotson's latest--and perhaps last--contribution to the literary world is the depth, the gorgeous inter-connection, the brilliant casting that leaves readers of The Star of Kazan feeling satisfied to the very tips of their toes.
The book sounds good! I'll definately have to read it!
Noel, this is Christy, Maggie's friend.
It sounds thoroughly enjoyable, how old of a book is it? The town library does not carry very new books, or very old books, so sometimes I have to wait a long time before getting one... it is very annoying....
Hi, Christy...
Hey, Marie: It's brand new ... technically, it comes out in Sept, but there are renegade copies on Amazon (used). I downloaded the audio file. You can listen to it when you come, if you want, but I heartily recommend The Star of Kazan ("Maggie" has it) over Dragonfly Pool, if you haven't already read it.
Christy, if you wanted to borrow my book, I have The Star of Kazan, like Noel said. It is really good.
The Dragonfly Pool is now definitely on my "To-Read" list.
Maggie, bring it to me sometime, like on Sunday. Also, Noel and Maggie, can you comment on some of my blogs and Noel if you have a list of blogs on your blog, can you add mine to it so I can get more people to visit mine?
Also Maggie, did your dad change his mind on the blog?
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