Dickinson Friday: 320

We play at Paste—
Till qualified, for Pearl—
Then, drop the Paste—
And deem ourself a fool—
The Shapes—though—were similar—
And our new Hands
Learned Gem-Tactics—
Practicing Sands


batgirl said...

These are so lovely each week, but admittedly above me. I enjoy trying to grasp the meanings, but it's like trying to do a split with my 36-year-old body; I'm not nearly there!
This one seems to be about all the time it takes practicing-- with paste, with sand-- before we get to the rare stage of pearl. So our sand would be words. Practicing words.
What about the deem ourselves a fool part? And what are the new hands? More skilled hands. Hmm... Am I anywhere close? What's your take on it, Lady N?

Noël De Vries said...

You under-estimate yourself, Janet!

We see our early writing as junk, paste, and our early selves as "fools" for adoring that junk.


Our new hands ... the hands that are now qualified to handle pearl ... they couldn't have gotten where they are without working with the paste, first.
