Reindeer (in venison form)
A chair in the kitchen while I wait for beans to boil
1 meter of snow (3.28 feet)
Eating a pear like an ice cream drumstick
A brand new month
Hand washing a wool sweater in a deep sink to music from The Holiday
Steam rising from a pot
Listening to the steady faucet of melting snow all night
A bird's call
Walking in the rain
Shelter under a bridge
The smell of someone's wood fire
The steep roof emptying its burden of snow in one enormous crash
The 6 year old's snow boots beneath her long pink church dress
Sitting on the stairs
7 weeks until Switzerland!
A friend's Irish concern as she greets me with, Oh, are you desperate for a cup of tea?
Waking up from a dream about sunshine
Jesus' victory is my victory... today
Andrew Murray's "Abide in Christ"
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