BBC's Jane Eyre

There's nothing like watching Jane Eyre for the dozenth time to reconcile me to being "poor, obscure, plain, and little."

How did those quiet Bronte sisters do it?

(Sidenote: Ellen Page is starring in a new adaption? Eh, sorry, but that just makes me cringe.)


iWonder said...

I've seen about three versions of Jane Eyre and the BBC adaptation you have featured on the blog is probably my favorite. I agree with you. I can't see Ellen Page in the part and kinda don't want to.

Anonymous said...

Yecch. I am so not there for the Ellen Page version.

Noël De Vries said...

Well, kadvisu, the 2006 version has Toby Stevens. Enough said. :)

Ellen Page may be small, but other than that...

Thanks for stopping by!

Holly said...

I love the BBC version! So deliciously creepy!