Last Meyer Post--I Promise

(Until Breaking Dawn is released, of course.)

I thought this was an interesting interview with Stephenie Meyer, hosted by a Mormon Arts blog. They asked several questions that have been running through my own head--where Stephenie's Mormonism intersects with her writing, etc. Considering the saga's popularity, I'm surprised at the absence of Christians commenting on Meyer's worldview. Most seem to dismiss the books when the word "vampire" is mentioned. I'm not saying "inverted archetype" is an invalid objection. Actually, it's my big problem with the novels. Some fans see the Cullens as a metephor for the Christian experience, putting to death sinful inclinations, etc. They fail to recognize that in the end, vampire natures are not overcome. Instead, Bella forsakes her humanity to become (in Jacob Black's words) a bloodsucker.

But I'm still wondering where the Mormonism discussions are.


Sookie said...

Ooh!!! I read earlier posts and you've found the Twilight series! Yay! I love the Twilight series (Especially New Moon)--there are so many wonderfully complex characters (Rosalie, Jacob Black--to name a few of my favorites, I know it's unorthadox but I really don't like Edward Cullen--I don't want Bella to become a "bloodsucker"!) and the writing is wonderful. When I first found out Stephenie Meyer was a Mormon--I was surprised (I thought she might be a Christian--until I found out that Brigham Young University was Mormon and until I read her bio on the website...).
Yeah, I've never found those discussions either.....But I'm really interested in joining/reading them if they come up...
One thing I'm really wondering is, why did she write that scene about Bella trying to seduce Edward? I thought it was kind of out of character for Bella. That was my main problem with Eclipse...

Noël De Vries said...

Hey, Sookie! Thanks for stopping by! (I'm prompt to reply, aren't I?)

Oh, you're a Jacobite. :) I'm one of the Cullen devotees.

Personally, I think the seduction scene was put in to please Stephenie's editors. She mentioned in one of her interviews that she was urged to put in sex, but that went against her beliefs. So maybe the "bedroom scene" is her compromise. Maybe?

Anyway, thanks for commenting, and looking forward to Breaking Dawn!!

Liz said...

I know this is an old post, but I just found it googling a similar subject. I love Stephenie Meyer's books, and I am a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints (Mormon). I know many many bloggers and friends who are Mormon and who also love these books. I don't think her worldview has to be what the book is about. I think many of us just find it refreshing to read an exciting, gripping novel without swearing and sex. I search far and wide for reading lists of good books that aren't rated R!