Festival Rumblings

I've been looking over my session options for the upcoming Festival of Faith and Writing at Calvin College. Some of the highlights are...

Writing for the Middle-School Reader: War, Trouble, and Calamity

Gary Schmidt

In a time of war and unrest, the writer for middle-school and young-adult readers is called to speak in ways that encourage those readers to survey a world realistically and openly, no matter what the genre, no matter what the form.


Reading to "Become"

Jon J Muth

In writing stories, we invite others to feel the world in the same way we do. In reading stories, we participate in a powerful conjuring experience. When these actions are considered in relation to children, there is an added profundity and an important responsibility. It's important that kids read to "become," not just to escape. Muth talks about how he tries to help kids do this through his own work.


C. S. Lewis and the Moral Imagination

Randy Testa

This session explores C. S. Lewis's opinions on the role of fantasy literature—including the Chronicles of Narnia books—in the moral education of children. Using passages from Lewis's essay "On Three Ways of Writing for Children" and clips from the forthcoming film Prince Caspian, Testa sheds light on the potential connection between fantasy and morality in the lives of children.


Not to mention Katherine Paterson and Joan Bauer! Should be exciting!

1 comment:

Nicole said...

You will never know how much I envy you, Noel! Be sure to take notes and let the rest of us in on EVERYTHING!!