All in a Day’s Work …

There’s a woman using one of the library computers, talking on her mobile in a not-so-quiet whisper. Arguing with her boyfriend, who thinks she’s at some Other Guy’s house. She swears she’s not. “I’m at the library, dammit. You wanna talk to the librarian?” Please, please no. I do not want to testify in this court! Luckily, he hangs up. Her phone rings again. She answers softly and tenderly—not the boyfriend, I presume. “I’m at the library, but I’ll see you in a little bit.”

Geez. And people think librarians live under rocks.


Erin said...

That cracked me up. A lot.

batgirl said...

Oh my. You know, I go to my library about 5 times a week. Seriously, I have a hard time driving by. They should make everyone check cell phones at the door, I say.
You know the "wood between the worlds," with all the pools? I think the library is the wood between the worlds. The books are the pools, and who knows where they'll take you. Librarians-- nice ones-- rock:)

Noël De Vries said...

Oh I could tell LOTS of stories.

Wow, Janet! I love your new photo! (btw, you visit your library more than I do mine :)

batgirl said...

Thanks, Noel. I just discovered that I like hats:)