Coming Soon to My Bookshelf...

Just made some acquisitions for the library-here's a sampling. Now, what to read first?
Spell Book of Listen Taylor by Jaclyn Moriarty

Leap of Faith by Kimberly Bradley

A Crooked Kind of Perfect by Linda Urban

No Castles Here by A.C.E. Bauer

The Rising Star of Rusty Nail by Lesley Blume

The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian by Sherman Alexie

Sun and Moon, Ice and Snow by Jessica Day George

The Penderwicks on Gardam Street by Jeanne Birdsall

The Puzzling World of Winston Breen by Eric Berlin


Erin said...


batgirl said...

That sounds like a terrible job you've got there.

Noël De Vries said...

Now, now, it's not all rainbows and roses. Took me two months of pestering and reminding to get my sweet, scatter-brained boss to click "purchase." Thangs gits done, thay just takes awhilz 'round here. (I've been listening to Uncle Remus :)